Where you can find me...
For now, if your looking for me and have bookmarked this page, try looking for me at http://steph.getaylor.com or http://365steph.wordpress.com/. I've been a good girl and have been blogging daily!
In running, it doesn't matter whether you come in first, in the middle of the pack or last. You can say, 'I have finished.' There is a lot of satisfaction in that. ----Fred Lebow
For now, if your looking for me and have bookmarked this page, try looking for me at http://steph.getaylor.com or http://365steph.wordpress.com/. I've been a good girl and have been blogging daily!
You've heard about people who have been abducted and had their kidneys removed by black-market organ thieves. Well, this kind of cruel theft is happening with other body parts as well My thighs were stolen from me during the night a few years ago. I went to sleep and woke up with someone else's thighs. It was just that quick . The replacements had the texture of cooked oatmeal.Whose thighs were these and what happened to mine? I spent the entire summer looking for my thighs. Finally, hurt and angry, I resigned myself to living out my life in jeans. And then the thieves struck again.
My Butt was next. I knew it was the same gang, because they took pains to match my new rear end to the thighs they had stuck me with earlier. But my new butt was attached at least three inches lower than my original! I realized I'd have to give up my jeans in favor of long skirts.
Two years ago I realized my arms had been switched. One morning I was fixing my hair and was horrified to see the flesh of my upper to and fro with the motion of the hairbrush. This was really getting scary - my body was being replaced one section at a time.? What could they do to me next?
When my poor neck suddenly disappeared and was replaced with a turkey neck, I decided to tell my story. Women of the world, wake up and smell the coffee! Those "plastic" surgeons are using REAL replacement body parts - stolen from you and me! The next time someone you know has something "lifted", look again - was it lifted from you?
THIS IS NOT A HOAX. This is happening to women everywhere every night. WARN YOUR FRIENDS!
P.S. Last year I thought someone had stolen my Boobs. I was lying in bed and they were gone! But when I jumped out of bed, I was relieved to see that they had just been hiding in my armpits as I slept. Now I keep them hidden in my waistband.
It happened to me, so BEWARE...
Love ya! Steph
Graham's Mom and Step-Dad will be here the middle of June...I hope she does NOT have any more surprises in store...if she does...the funeral will be the following Friday. Don't send flowers, just send more earrings!
I keep forgetting to take a picture of the NEW birds nest, that Miss Robin Redbreast built, and abandoned (we think)...during her torturous smacking of our bay window...I'll do that in the morning. However if you look to the right (in my recent posts) and click on Repeat Vistor, you can see the video of her that I took -it's toward the bottom of the post. I finally figured out how to get videos posted! Yea Steph!
We thought long and hard about borrowing dads' truck, buying a wheel-barrow and getting bulk bark. And after much consideration decided that buying the bags (Wally World had a great deal on it) would be a more viable option. And easier! So....Graham went and got some bark. The first load, which we thought would get us a great start, well...after 25 bags of bark...really didn't make much of a dent. We wanted it pretty thick...because the ground isn't level back there, we wanted the bark to make sure and give the impression that it was...LOL! Shortly after Graham got the bark dumped into the back bed, we realized we needed more! So off we went again to pick up 30 more bags! I can't believe we got all that into the Expedition!
Yesterday I was watching the Today Show, and saw a story on a darling Boston Terrier. His name is Mickey. Rather than try and explain the story myself, I'll post the link.
(If ever this link is broken, please let me know and I'll remove the link).
Of course the story caught my eye, because we have our two Boston Terriers. Humphrey, is micro-chipped in two places, and Tommy Lee will be when he get's fixed on the 25th of April. We believe it's a great idea to get your pets micro-chipped. The chip is smaller than the size of a piece of rice, and has to be inserted with a needle…amazing!
So, first of all, I must comment on my last blog entry. I prayed Amber would be able to handle having a blog, and that we would not regret letting her have one. Some of the things she's blogged about are not on our top 10 list of things to blog about, however most of them are exactly what we had in mind.
Here's a picture of where Graham was staying. He's so funny! Look closely you can see him in the mirror! Can you say Geek?
Well, in the midst of playing around (since I can't do anything else but sit here) I decided to see what the link is between blogger and flickr...so I picked a picture within our flickr account, and chose the icon that said "blog this" and now I have the opportunity to type in my text, and the title came in all by itself, as the name of the picture.
It's Monday - Aren't Monday's worthless? I say that partially because I'm sitting here with my feet elevated, ice on my big toe...all the while thinking of the things that need done, that are NOT getting done. Graham just left for the airport. He's going to Phoenix to set up a network for a client there...the timing of my toe is just not good. Oh well, what can I do. He's leaving 55 degrees here and going to 85 degrees there. I'm jealous. He also said he might not come back. :(
Humphrey Bogart and Tommy Lee, thankfully are pretty good and seem to know that I can't be up playing, so they just lay either next to me, or on the floor beneath me. Very sweet! They know that Amber will play with them when she gets home. The back door is cracked a bit so they can go out and play and then come back in when it's time to take 5 and check on mom!
Speaking of Amber, she's getting a cold. Poor girl. I think I'll probably keep her home tomorrow, because she's not feeling good (and mom MADE her go to school today, how rude!) and also because she has an orthodontist appointment tomorrow (to get her bleaching trays) and Humphrey has a pre-op appointment to get some blood work done. He goes in Wednesday morning to get neutered. Guess I'll be livin on Ibuprophen tomorrow instead of the good stuff, so I can drive! :)
...ok, more later.