Friday, May 11, 2007

Mother's Day Early for Me!

Well once again, Amber blessed her Early Mothers Day gift...unknowingly! In several of her classes they have been working on different assignments that will all go together into a "Freshman Profile" ...including Poems, Biographies about them (that a classmate wrote about them), and several other things, including a profile about someone in their family that is either interesting or famous. They will all present them the last week in May. My darling daughter wrote her profile about "yours truly" sweet. I bawled! Several times! :) She wanted to blog it, who am I to say no! Here it is...enjoy!
Amazing young lady we've raised! Thanks BABYAM!


At May 13, 2007 at 1:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww! Yes she is amazing! I read the blog, it made ME CRY TOO!!! She is ssssooo sweet. I wish I could write a sweet blog bout my momma. lol. I could prolly copy off of Ambers and then just change some of the words. lol. But that would be called cheating which I don't usally do. Hehe. But hey my momma doesn't read Ambers blog. lol. Well I just wanted to say hi and HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!! I LOVE YOU SSSSSSSOOOOO MUCHO!!! ~Hillary


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